Note: I forgot about this second part of the submission, sorry for being late
This design features a system of alcoves paired with an open design that aims to maximize collaboration through the centering of shared space while also giving teams privacy to engage in their own work. The east and the south side of the buildings feature the most windows maximizing sunlight during the early part of the day while ensuring it does not get too hot later in the day. The alcove east and west walls were similarly designed, allowing for both privacy and protection from the sun. The lab was located to the north to protect the sensitive items from direct sunlight and was located by the bathroom to centralize the plumbing. The roof is slightly slanted towards the south, preventing water from pooling on the roof and providing space for solar panels to be mounted if the grant gets approved and these students ever get that extra funding. I used double hinge windows throughout the design due mitigate slamming or breakage during high wind events (assumed windows on hinges wouldn't be as sturdy). I placed doors such that the east door was right by the storage room, making it easier for users to get heavy items in and the west door is placed right by the bathroom, ensuring after a long day in the field they can run right in as needed.