For this assignment, I started off using the code for the geometry of the shape done for Module 3. I started by setting the color fo the panels by using Color.BYARGB and Element.OverrideColorInView nodes to create colors of the panels. Using File.Path, File.FromPath, and Image.ReadFromFile with Image.Pixels, I was able to map an image onto the panels of my structure.
Using a series of List.Transpose, List.Reverse and List.GetItem nodes, I was able to change the orientation of the image onto the surface by a Code Block along with List.Create and List.GetItemAtIndex nodes with ease. One orientation of the image onto the surface is seen above.
For the embossing ability of the design, I used a series of List.Flatten, Color.Hue, Color.Brightness, and Element.OverrideColorinView, as well as Math.RemapRange nodes, to change the panel parameters based on the color values of the file image. Element.SetParameterbyName was used in order to achieve this affect.
For the second part of the assignment, I started by computing the normals to the surface as well as creating vectors that corresponded to the sun’s position. Any inverted vectors were flipped using a custom node combination. Based on the strength of the sun’s directness (using a vector dot product), the color of the panels was evaluated with Math.RemapRange. The Color Range node was used in connection with these vectors to determine the color of the panels on the surface.