Hiroaki Fujii

Modeling a Parametric Structure


I designed a small shelter like a bus stop. First, I made an arch as a beam, and then I made parabolic ribs along the curve of the beam. I made the beam and ribs using a three-pointed adaptive component (tube). I created the surface based on the ribs, and grids on the surface to which the adaptive panels were applied. The parameters are the height of the center of the structure, the length of the structure (length of the beam), the width of the structure (length of the ribs), the number of ribs, the amplitude of the rib curve, and the size of the panel (number of grids), which allowed the shape to be changed.

Transforming Your Geometry


I incorporated a sine wave into the beam in Stage 1 to change the shape of the structure. Then, the amplitude and the number of sine waves were added as parameters to change the shape. When I change these new inputs, if any of them are set to 0, the shape is exactly the same as Stage 1 (because there are no waves). As the number of waves is increased, the shape becomes more complex. On the other hand, as the amplitude is increased, part of the beam is below the ground level (XY plane) and it is no longer a shelter. Also, in actual design, a minimum height (e.g., height above the head) would be required, so I think it is necessary to incorporate limitations on the amplitude of the waves into the program.