Module 4 - Points to Ponder

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Module 4 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Give examples of how the building information for a specific location in the project needs to be filtered for different audiences and purposes?

If you have a room in a project that hosts a futon, a desk, a kitchenette, and a table. Showing all these components in the room wont be very helpful for the contractors who want to know the simple dimensions of the room (the shell). The buyer of the house, however, would want to know all the furnishings in their rooms. Because of the this, it is important to filter views depending on the audience.

Another example would be if a condo building were being built and you were to show the public images of each condo, but instead of showing accurate renderings, you showed the 2D floor plan for each. This wouldn’t captivate potential buyers walking by, or searching on the internet. Instead, they would want to see a stunning condo render.

Should your design ideas always be conveyed through photorealistic renders?

  • When presenting a project, you want to put its best foot forward. That, however, doesn’t mean a 100% realistic render. If you want to convey a dramatic view from the base of a building, a somewhat realistic image would help stress the dramatics of the view where a realistic render could be underwhelming. In cases such as generic houses in a suburbia setting, there is no major need to capture dramatic renderings of the project. Thus, a realistic image could be used.

How can schedule views be used to assist with procurement and model-based estimating?

A schedule visualizes and organizes a specific type of object or component in your project. Instead of searching all the windows in a building, they are all in a list. Moreover, certain properties are listed such as area, level, and type. Schedules is important for procurement because they organize all the information you need about a certain object into an organized list.