
Interview 2 - Allen

1/12/2024 - 3pm - 45mins

Who Did You Interview?

  • Father of my roommate Michael

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Realtor in SF Bay Peninsula
  • Born in Tehran, Iran. Assyrian, Armenian, Christian.
  • Post- Iranian revolution, things got difficult. Loss of freedom, and more harassment caused him to flee.
    • “killing Jews, Christians, and gays gets you into heaven in Islam”
  • Smuggled through to Turkey where he applied for religious asylum to the US. 19 months in Turkey, a few in Italy. Finally arrived in the US at 18 (1984). Joined his brother in CA.

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Previous research in container homes
  • Would live in a modular home, seeking freedom.
    • dream life, not dream home.
  • “90% of your money gets stolen”
  • “No one wants to go back”
  • had a sponsor that put him up in a comfortable hotel in turkey
    • as a Christian, had catholic schools in Iran and Istanbul. “If you get to Istanbul, they will help you”
  • ICMC (based in Istanbul, vets asylum seekers) in the vatican. After he got visa for Italy, ICMC convinced UN to allow him to stay in 5-star hotel in turkey
    • Head of ICMC, liked him, and contacted UN in Italy who paid for nice hotel in Rome
  • “we need more business men in office, like trumP”
    • “enough of politicians”
    • “root cause is eduction”
  • “tax shelters”