Rise and Shine
Part 1:
I started by experimenting on a simple image with just blocks of colors to figure out the correct orientation (for example, reversing the list to fix the inverted image), and then changed it to a more complex image. From there, I worked on getting the image to show up in a clear way by changing the number of square panels while keeping in mind that this changed the computing time as well. Here I’ve included a screenshot of the wall with a portrait of Vincent Van Gogh that required small panels to fully show the details.
Parametric elements:
Radius and angle of the wall arc, wall height, size of square panels, image that is inputted
Part 2:
Adding on to part 1, the same logic was used to get the image on to the wall. Keeping with the theme of Van Gogh, one of his paintings was used. The difference was creating the curved wall, which used similar logic as used in Module 3 to create the sine curves. From there, a specific parameter of the panels called “Height” was changed to a range of values between values that could be added parametrically. The most difficult part was again creating an image that was clear and that displayed in the correct orientation.
Parametric elements:
Amplitude,Frequency and Smoothness of Curve of wall, wall height and length , size of rectangular panels, image, range of sizes of panel extrusions
Gonna Need Shades
For this part, I first changed the Sun settings since I would need it for the interaction with the building.
From there, I created the building, creating the different panels, and then paneled them.
I used the given custom node to find the sun directness using the vectors of the panel and the Sun. From there, this value was remapped between 0 and 1 to then be used to both change the angle of the panel and the color. The angle of the panel was changed by adjusting the specific parameter of the panel that has to do with angle to be 90 degrees multiplied by the directness between 0 and 1. The colors were similarly mapped between red and blue using the range of directness between 0 and 1.
The hardest part was correctly creating the building surface using the Surface.ByPatch and Surface.PerimeterCurves nodes, as well as using the right inputs by understanding the logic, when using the custom nodes, as well as the color and panel parameter nodes. I learned that the default value used in the list flattening node was not what I needed as well.
Parametric Elements:
Building level width, length and heights, Sun position, panel length, width and angle, number of panels, position of the panel hinges, colors mapped from Sun directness
Shield Your Eyes
Similar logic was used here as was used in Stage 2, first the building was created and the surface panelized. From there, the sun directness on the panels was found and used to change the colors as well as the parameters of the panel geometry. Some key challenges were extracting the surface using the correct node type so that the entire tower would be panelized (using PolySurface.Surfaces), and creating an even distribution of panels using the perimeter of the outer circles used to create the polygons. Another challenge was not having the right parameter names to change the geometry of the panels, to do so, I had to find the settings of the panels and get the correct names which were FrameWidthPercentageA and B.
Parametric Elements:
Size of Polygon (changes radius of tower), number of polygon sides, height of bottom and top half of the tower, number of panels, colors used for Sun directness, Sun position, width of panels based on Sun directness,