Practice Exercise (Optional)
Download Practice File: Starting Point
- Add Aligned Dimensions for Level 2 plan view:
- Open the Level 2 plan view
- Add a string of dimensions between all the north-south collum grids, and another string of dimensions between all the east-west grids
- Add a string dimension from north to south showing the location for the walls separating the two rooms in upper right corner of the floor plan
- Select the dimensions and turn on the EQ to move the wall
- Add Angular Dimensions for Level 2 plan view
- Open the Level 2 plan view
- Show the angle between the diagonal walls for the room in the bottom left corner
- Create a new dimension style displaying the length in metric units
- Change the Units Format to be Meters with 2 decimal places accuracy, add the m symbol
- Change the dimension strings connecting the column grids to this new dimension type
When you have completed this exercise, your model should look like this:
Download File: Ending Point