Practice Exercise (Optional)
Download Practice File: Starting Point
- Place new walls on Level 1 in the New phase to create additional rooms and offices in the new building extension.
- Open the Level 1 - New plan view.
- Demolish the former exterior wall between the existing building and the area of the new extension.
- Add new interior walls, doors, and windows to create the new rooms. Hint: you can right-click on an existing element and choose Create Similar from the contextual menu to quickly place new instances with the same type.
- Demolish some walls between the offices on Level 1 of the existing building to create some larger workspaces and meeting rooms.
- Use the Demolish tool some walls.
- Also adjust the doors to the hallway — demolishing existing doors and adding new doors as needed.
- Create a new floor element for the building extension adjacent to the floor of the existing building.
- Open the window schedule
- Right-click on the existing floor and choose Create Similar to start creating a floor of the same type and with the same properties.
- Select the boundary of the new floor elements, extending into the wall core.
- Pick the common edge with the existing floor and lock that boundary of your new floor element to it.
When you have completed this exercise, your model should look like the end point:
Download File: Ending Point