6.1.C Creating Forms by Blending, Revolving, and Lofting


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Practice Exercise (Optional)

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  • Create a form by blending two profiles.
    • Open the Level 1 plan view.
    • Sketch a profile for the bottom of the form.
    • Open the Level 4 plan view.
    • Sketch another profile for the top of the form.
    • Open the 3D Masses view.
    • Select both of the profiles, then use the Create Form tool to blend these two profiles into a 3D form.
  • Create another form by revolving a profile around an axis.
    • Open the Level 1 plan view.
    • Open the Reference Plane tool (Architecture > Work Plane > Ref Plane), and create a vertical reference plane for sketching the profile and axis of revolution.
    • Select the new reference plane and name it Sketching Plane for Revolution.
    • Open the 3D Masses view.
    • Use the Set Work Plane tool and pick the Sketching Plane for Revolution by name.
    • Use the Show Work Plane tool to show this work plane and make it easier to sketch upon it.
    • Sketch a line on the work plane that will serve as the axis of revolution.
    • Sketch additional lines on the work plane that define the profile to be revolved around the axis.
    • Select the axis and the profile, then use the Create Form tool to create a revolved form.
  • Create another form for a multi-story tower by lofting several profiles.
    • Open the Level 1 plan view.
    • Sketch a profile for the bottom of the form.
    • Open the Level 3 plan view.
    • Sketch another profile for an intermediate level of the form.
    • Open the Level 5 plan view.
    • Sketch a third profile for another intermediate level of the form.
    • Open the Level 7 plan view.
    • Sketch a fourth profile for the top level of the form.
    • Open the 3D Masses view.
    • Select all four of the profiles, then use the Create Form tool to loft these four profiles into a 3D form representing the shape of your proposed tower design.

When you have completed this exercise, your model should look like the end point:

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