Practice Exercise (Optional)
Download Practice File: Starting Point
- Create a few vertical wall elements using different wall types.
- Open the Wall by Face tool.
- Select the Exterior - Brick on Mtl. Stud wall type in the properties palette.
- Set the Location Line setting to Core Face:Exterior.
- Select a few vertical surfaces to place walls using this wall type.
- Select the Exterior - EIFS on Mtl. Stud wall type in the properties palette.
- Set the Location Line setting to Core Face:Exterior.
- Select a few vertical surfaces to place walls using this wall type.
- Add some window and door elements to the vertical wall elements
- Add a few windows and doors in a plan view.
- Add more windows and doors in the 3D Mass view.
- Add some door elements to sloping wall elements by reshaping the mass form to create a niche with vertical surfaces.
- Use the Edit In-Place tool to open the mass form for editing.
- Create a new void form that intersects with a sloping face.
- Click the Finish Mass tool to complete your editing.
- Select the sloping wall element and use the Update to Face tool to reshape the wall around this new niche.
- Create new wall elements on the vertical surface of the new niche.
- Add doors to these new vertical walls in the niche.
When you have completed this exercise, your model should look like the end point:
Download File: Ending Point