Creating a Revit Project Site Model using Autodesk Forma

Create a new Autodesk Forma project with a Proposal containing only the terrain and context data for your project site

Login to the Autodesk Forma application and hub

Create a new Project

Add Context data to project

Create a Proposal containing the base terrain and context data

Refine your Base geometry

Send Your Autodesk Forma Proposal to Revit

  • Select the Proposal that you want to send to Revit from the list of proposals in your Autodesk Forma project.
  • If you haven’t already installed the Revit add-in, choose Revit > Download Revit add-in, then run the downloaded file to install the add-in.
  • image
  • Choose the Revit > Send to Revit tool.
  • image
    Temporary files will be stored in a special folder in your Windows environment.

Import Your Autodesk Forma Proposal to Revit

Convert the Autodesk Forma data to Revit elements

Clean up the Revit Site project

Save Your Revit Site project as a Revit Cloud model