9.1.C Exploring Factors that Impact Building Performance




If Insight reports that it's having trouble connecting to Autodesk's servers from within Revit, try connecting to the Insight website directly using the Chrome browser.  Just go to:


Login using your Autodesk ID, and you'll be taken to the same interface -- but in a way that works more reliably.

Practice Exercise (Optional)

Download Practice File:  Starting Point

  • Open the Exploring Factors that Impact Building Performance - Start model.
  • Generate Insights for this model.
    • Open the Generate tool.
    • Confirm whether you want to use the existing energy analytical model or update it.
    • Wait a few minutes as the insights are generated.
  • Open the Insight interface using the Optimize tool to view the simulation results.
  • Set the Insight interface preferences to display the results as EUI and sort the widgets by importance.
  • Save updated settings for the factors that will not change as you consider design alternatives as a baseline scenario.
    • Set the range in these factor tiles:
      • Operating Schedule: 12/6 to 12/5
      • Lighting Efficiency: 0.7 W/sf to 0.3 W/sf
      • Plug Load Efficiency: 1.3 W/sf to 0.6 W/sf
  • Add a new scenario to save these settings and rename it to Baseline Scenario.
  • Try narrowing the range of values being considered for Window-to-Wall Ratio on the southern, eastern, and western walls to 40-50%, and save these changes as a new scenario named WWR 40 to 50% .
  • Return to the Baseline Scenario.
  • Try narrowing the range of values being consider for Window Shades-South to ½ - ⅔ Win Height, and save these changes as a new scenario named Shades South.
  • Click the Scenario Compare button (at the top of the Insight Interface) to compare the results of the scenarios that you’ve defined.

When you have completed this exercise, your model should look like this:
