To compute the HVAC loads for each space independently using the new system analysis workflow for computing HVAC loads in Revit 2022 and newer versions, you can create a separate HVAC Zone for every space.
The analysis reports produced in Revit 2022 and newer versions report loads and required airflow for each HVAC Zone. Â So, the calculations include the HVAC loads for all of the spaces in each HVAC zone combined into single numbers for the entire zone.
If each space is assigned to a separate HVAC Zone, the required airflow for each space will be reported separately. Â And this space-by-space calculation will be helpful for deciding how many air terminals should be placed in each space to handle the loads.
Steps in the Workflow
- Create an Analytical System to Model an Air System
- Add Air Handling Equipment to an Air System
- Add Zone Equipment to Your Air System
- Create System Zones and Assigning Zone Equipment to Each System Zone
- Update the Energy Model to Incorporate the System Zones
- Performing a Systems Analysis to Compute HVAC Systems Loads and Sizing
- Reading the Heating and Cooling Loads for Each Zone / Space
- Copying the Computed Heating and Cooling Loads Back to your Space Schedule
Important: Â Continue iterating (updating your System Zones to include Analytical Spaces that show as Unassigned) until all the Analytical Spaces appear as assigned to a specific piece of Zone Equipment when you update the Energy Model.
Next Steps
Later in the process (when you're assigning individual spaces to specific air handlers), you can update the HVAC Zones to map groups of spaces into zones with a shared air handler (as shown in this video).
Click the left or right arrows at the bottom of the mindmap to step thru the slideshow.