Module 6 - Additional Packages to Install
Download these custom node packages using the Package Manager in Dynamo (Open the Packages menu > Search for a Package... > Enter Package Name):
- DynamoFormaBeta
- DynamoIronPython2.7 — install the older version 2.4.0
- Be sure to click the View Details link.
- Then, scroll down the list of versions available and choose version 2.4.0 — not the newer version 3.2.0.
- DynamoIronPython3.0
- Solar Analysis for Dynamo
- Ladybug - Weather and Environmental Analysis
- Honeybee - Daylight and Energy Simulation
- Butterfly - CFD
The 2.4.0 version is essential for some of the Clockwork nodes in the examples to work properly.
This package is essential for the Solar Analysis examples to work properly
Installations from Previous Modules
We've reached the point in the course when installing the latest versions of the software tools onto your computer is essential to successfully use the example files.
Be sure to install these updates now to avoid headaches as you work thru the examples and on your projects!
Installing Custom Node Packages using the Package Manager
If some of the nodes in your Dynamo graphs appear in red, Dynamo is indicating that it can't find the needed code and you need to install the custom node package that contains the code for the red nodes.
We use several custom node packages in the class examples, so you'll want to install them for the examples to work properly.Â
Download these custom node packages using the Package Manager in Dynamo
- Open the Packages menu > Search for a Package... > Enter Package Name
- Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x
- Quads from Rectangular GridÂ
Special Instructions for Installing LunchBox for Dynamo
- Open a new Dynamo home graph.
- Search for LunchBox for Dynamo using the Package Manager.
- DO NOT click the + Install button.
- Click the View Details button.
- DO NOT install the latest version — 2018.8.8. That link is actually a placeholder that instructs you to download the modules from another web location, which was later discontinued.
- Scroll down to find the older version — 2018.7.7. Then, click the blue + Install link below the version number. This is the latest valid version that has the functionality that we'll be using.
A Package Details pane should open up on the right side of the Dynamo window. If it does not appear, look for an Extensions tab on the right edge of the Dynamo window, then click the left arrow to open this window.
Using Custom Nodes That We Build in the Examples
We build many custom nodes throughout the course, so if you're copying a portion of a graph that uses one of those custom nodes, you'll also need to copy the included custom nodes into the same folder as your project (so your graph can find them).
- You'll always find the needed custom nodes in the same folder as the example that's using them.
- You can also download these custom nodes from our CEE 120C/220C Shared Library on Google Drive.
- Be sure to place these custom node .dyf files in the same folder as your project.