This is a tutorial created by Parametric Online, an excellent YouTube channel to follow for Grasshopper tips and workflows. Be sure to subscribe to keep up with new tutorials and reward them for sharing their work.
This example shows how rotating shade panels can respond to a graph or function that determines the rotation angle of each panel.
The essential steps are:
- 0:52 - Set up a frame that is perpendicular to the floor boundary curve.
- 1:52 - Create a rectangle representing the shade panel on the perpendicular frame with inputs to adjust the size.
- 3:30 - Convert the rectangle into a boundary surface.
- 3:35 - Rotate the surface around the X axis of the frame (which is the Z axis of the world coordinate system).
- 4:22 - Set the rotation angle for the surface.
- 5:00 - Create a series of frames to place shade panels all around the floor boundary curve.
- 6:10 - Set up a graph (or function) to compute the rotation angle for each of the shade panels.
- 7:08 - Set up a range of values as inputs to the function.
- 8:23 - Scale or remap the function outputs to compute the rotation angle for each panel.
- 9:00 - Add limits to restrict the graph outputs (if desired).
Be careful about degrees vs. radians!