- Step 1: Load MEP Versions of Component Families
- Library > Electrical > MEP > Electric Power > Distribution
- Lighting and Appliance Panelboard
- 208V or 480V
- MCB (miniature circuit breaker) or MLO (main lug only — no breaker)
- Surface-mounted or Inset
- Step 2: Place Components
- Switch to Power Plan views
- Place Panelboard(s)
- Systems > Electrical > Electrical Equipment
- Choose Component from Type Selector
- Size (Max Capacity)
- Placement Options
- Place on Vertical Face
- Place on Face
- Place on Work Plane
- Set Elevation from Level
Electrical equipment consists of panels and transformers. Electrical equipment can be hosted components (an electrical panel that must be placed on a wall), or unhosted (a transformer that can be placed anywhere in a view).