Ideating Design Journal Card

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Journal Entry For
Prototype WIP

(Sketches all the way at the bottom)


Goes right starting from the top left (least crazy), then goes to the second row until the bottom right (most crazy)

Top 3 ideas:

Physical templates —> Build-n-Order: Physical, Instant Ordering!

  • Build
  • Magnetic
  • Paper/Velcro?
  • Turn in to workers
  • Replenishable physical units
  • Self-serve

The Build-n-Order is a revolutionary ordering method where customers have the chance to build physical models of their order and submit them to the cashier/reception for instant order recognition. Right before the actual ordering area is a stock of plates and paper or plastic models of each item from the menu that can slot perfectly into each section of the plate. The customer would take the plate and their corresponding items they want to order, and then submit it to the cashier or automated receiving area where they would pay using credit card or cash. This solution prevents the need for long lines as the cashier doesn’t have to listen to the customer’s entire order, and can just go off the physical model submitted. Wait times would also be reduced, saving customers time while also increasing the amount of sales that can be made each day, causing the company to be more economically sustainable.

App + qr code —> Scan 4 the Pan! Instant Order Upload and Table Delivery!

  • App
  • Qr code at tables
  • Instant upload order
  • Pre-make order
  • Deliver order to tables
  • Little-interaction
  • Instant payment

The Scan 4 the Pan is a convenient and seamless ordering app that makes use of qr code scanning to send a customer’s order instantly to the cooking staff. This also enables the customer to pre-make their order, allowing them to simply scan and wait at the tables for the staff to deliver food, removing any time wasted in line or with in-person ordering. If the customer has their credit card or Apple Pay already linked to their phones, this can be an immensely convenient form of payment as well. This can also be in conjunction with many rewards apps that fast-food restaurants such as Panda Express already exhibit, making implementation of this solution incredibly feasible. Customers will save lots of time while staff can also handle more orders at a time, resulting in higher economic sustainability.

Screen at middle of tables —> ScreenEat: Digital Table Kiosks + Delivery to Tables!

  • Touchscreen
  • Place order like at digital kiosks
  • Deliver to tables
  • Still need credit card info/cash

The ScreenEat is a versatile ordering tool that will allow groups of people or individuals to order their food quicker than conventional ordering standards. It consists of a touchscreen located at the middle of each table, allowing customers to put in their orders without having to wait at line. Payment can be through either cash, credit, or apple pay, still located right at the screen. Functionally it is the same as online ordering kiosks, but made more convenient as they are located right at the tables. After the order is submitted, food workers will bring the order to the customer’s entered table. Time savings on both the customers’ and workers’ behalf as well as increased sales result in higher economic sustainability.
