Convergence Elaboration/Alterations → Finalizing on the Design Concept


July 31, Monday

Denis Andria

(Note, written July 31, Monday, both after Colin’s feedback from 12:45 meeting as well as prototype feedback).

What was once ambiguous and fuzzy, has everything tying in perfectly-

-Mobility, the original idea, is hard to achieve, it is better to scatter houses around as it is very unfeasible with these complex systems (filtration, solar panels).

-We originally thought that either a center or house would work, but based on the POV statements, and the subsequent “How might We?” in response, it is all clear that a center solves all the major issues more effectively.

We will design a center that is self-reliant to the core necessities, to solve the underlying and major issues at hand.

-A center is more feasible as the systems in place are costly and it would be more cost-efficient to implement it to a larger scale and a group of people instead of individually to families. Syrians grouped together could form meaningful bonds that extend further than family blood.

-Furthermore, a center solves Ali’s issue, whilst solving Fatima’s issue simultaneously (thus the combined POV), accounting for all factors- addressing the main needs (resources, housing, opportunity), as well as providing development (education, general and vocational) and self-dependence (see below) in a neat and effective roundabout way.

-Moreover, a center that focuses not only on self-reliance (for housing and resources) but also development, aligns with the principal idea of commitment to integration, and gives a motive to NGOs both on the scale of the Turkish government as well as international viewpoints.

-Self-dependence for the facility itself can be greater achieved by having high amounts of biking (greater energy need, but more efficient use of bike with time slots, etc), self-management/ self-operation (job opportunities arise from the creation of such a center itself). We give the Syrians the chance to improve their lives themselves.

There is self-dependence for the facility itself through refugee input, whereas there is also increased self-reliance through the resources (water circulation, solar panel, system, simple but effective insulation, powerful passive infrastructure concept (e.g natural lighting).

-The Long-Term Vision: They are given a proactive role paired with a mission for increased self-dependence, that starts off great but could evolve over time, as Syrians develop through these centers not only would they be working in the cafeteria, gardening, cleaning, etc but through specialized training would become worldly beings and develop more centers for other Syrians, produce entire cities sparking sustainable growth as these centers scale up into blocks part of a whole.