For my modeling approach to this assignment, I modified my parametric structure from Module 3- the art installation I designed for a park. All of the grouped nodes in green are left unchanged from the Module 3 assignment in my dynamo script.
For the first step, I was able to switch the code block that originally described the points of the UV grid to then be sliders that could easily changed by the user. From here, I could install the adaptive component, the panels, that have the thickness, or height, as a modifying parameter. The BoolMask node was used here to ensure that the panel’s height could be appropriately modified at the desire of the user.
The next step was choosing an image to use for the color scheme of my installation. Since I see my shaded structure installed in a park, I wanted to use an outdoor photo for the natural color scheme of blues and greens. I chose this photo from a picnic I had with my girlfriend because I think my structure would serve as the perfect picnic spot.
Once the photo was chosen, I then used several image reading nodes to actually implement the colors into my design. The pixels of the image are implemented into my structure to be able to get the greens of the grass or blues of the sky. I used several list transitioning nodes here and made sure that the “Watch” nodes displayed exactly what I would expect.
I made various nodes to be able to parametrically alter the structure too, such that the image pixels could be flipped vertically, horizontally, or both. I additionally used Boolean Nodes such that the panels themselves could be flipped. The orange groups below display how the image colors and the component values can be altered and chosen into my design by the user. For the image pixel nodes, these changing values were then used to override the colors of the elements initially.
For the next steps, I adjusted the color brightness to then be used to produce the Embossed and Debossed effects. The pink group below demonstrates how the Embossed and Debossed effects were created and implemented. I used the original panel thickness and a magnifying effect to produce both code blocks for either effect. The magnification of this effect can also be easily changed by the user. Additionally, it was important that the user is able to switch very easily from changing from Embossed to Debossed effects by the “Customize Here: Embossed vs Debossed” node I created. By using this code block, the user must implement a “0” to produce an embossed effect (Shown as Figure A) and a “1” to produce a debossed effect (Shown as Figure B).
I was very pleased with my overall results of my parametric structure. There is so much about the structure that the user can change, all the way from the radius, height, and depth of the actual structure, to the thickness of each individual panel, to the number of controlling U and V points that form the grid, to the orientation of said panel, and the orientiation of the image pixels as well. Even the internal sine wave framing is still customizable in the period, amplitude, and number of control points. Likewise, the embossed/debossed effect is fully customizable.