My model geometry is a station entrance - for example for a major train station, which is controlled by two parabolic equations; one denoting the top/peak of the entrance, and the other controlling the base/perimeter of the space. Both equations are a form of f(x) = 0.05x +b. I have walked past train stations with grand entrances, similar to the one attached below. For this assignment, I wanted to play around with mathematically informed geometries, and I found the double parabolic shape to be most interesting.

The inputs for my canopy are number of points, height, and depth.
Creating Parabolic Lines
Creating the lines themselves was very challenging.
For Curve #1, I modeled a “flat” x-y parabolic relationship. Then, I computed the z-values as a function of the “height” of the canopy. Z increased linearly. I created an ascending list of z-values which was half the size of the number of points input into the system. I then reversed the list, and combined both lists, so that each pair of x-values would have the same z-value.
For curve #2, I modeled the curve as flat, so the z-values were all zero.
I created curves which represent each line, and then I joined them into a surface and created panels as well as thin rods (intentionally) along the edges of the panels. I did this by arranging points on each curve end-to-end, and then placing tubes along the lines:
I also have tubes along the panels in the vertical direction. I did this by creating a grid, and then individually connecting each point on vertical lines along the grid to one another. I placed rods along each of these lines.

I repeated the process shown above 10 times.