Module 5 - Flex Your Form

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Image of My Model


Figure 1: Part 1 - Building Form with One Flexed Parameter (Mid-Height Angle of 8 degrees)


Figure 2: Part 2 - Building Form with Two Flexed Parameters (Mid-Height Angle of 11 degrees)

Image of Your Results

Table 1: Part 1 Summary of Results


Table 2: Part 2 Summary of Results



I chose to create a building mass form by lofting three rectangles with varying dimensions and varying rotation angles. In Part 1, I chose to flex the middle rectangle's rotation angle and in Part 2 I also flexed one of the dimensions of the rectangle that creates the roof. While the other parameters in the "Fixed Parameters" part of the tables shown above were held fixed in this analysis, they could also be easily changed since most of the inputs are either sliders or variable equations based on the sliders. I used the Anenome package in Grasshopper to run the loops for the length of the flex parameters. For Part 2, I used the cross-reference node to create lists per flex parameter that combined would account for all possible combinations. I used the Loft node to find the building envelope surface area and the Cap node to find the gross volume. I also used the Brep/Plane (Sec) node to find the gross floor area.