Henry Nistler

Link to Design Journal
Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch
ACC Folder Link

Intended users

This tool is intended for architects and engineers to use to quickly draft and visualize a concept of a parametric stadium model.

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

When designing a new stadium, it can be helpful to quickly design and visualize a concept of what the dimensions of the stadium should be to ensure that the design looks good. This tool could be used as a first concept for the initial planning stages of the design. In addition, it can be integrated with various formulas to estimate construction costs, amount of shade provided by the rooftop, and other important qualities.


  • Height/width of stadium
  • Curvature of stadium (circle/oval/rectangle)
  • Curvature of roof/canopy
  • Extension of covering over seating

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

The Dynamo code will construct a model of the stadium with inputs that can flex the basic dimensions of the stadium. It will calculate various output values that can be used as estimation tools for comparing designs. It will also create a Revit model of the stadium which can be used for more advanced purposes by the user later on.


  • Volume of stadium
  • Surface area of stadium exterior
  • Estimated cost of stadium
  • Estimated number of seats in stadium
  • Estimated ticket sales from seats
  • Shade ratio that the stadium roof provides