Design Project 1 | Prototyping Plan

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Prototyping Plan

Prototyping Goals

Why am I creating a prototype?

The type of feedback that will be most helpful for refining and improving my product idea is:

  • Comments on the design of the webpage/popup (both aesthetic and functional)
  • The factors that the website considers/how relevant they are
  • The potential impact/ease of use of this website

Prototype Features

What product features will I prototyping? And why? What do I hope to learn from testing this feature?

  • The layout/design of the website
    • Learn how useful the graphic design of the website is
  • The name/logo of the website
    • Is it catchy/relevant/appealing?
  • The structure of the pop up
    • Should it constantly be searching or should it only activate if selected?

Prototype Media

How will you prototype and share these features with others to get their feedback?

I plan to create … a layout of the website with the basic graphics and elements as well as a list of all of its functions