Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Durable David

  • Prioritises quality over quantity
  • Seldom purchaser, will purchase high quality clothing every few months
  • Pays attention to the quality of fabrics and if the clothing piece will outlive trends
    • Invests in a lot of basics and closet essentials
  • Has a general awareness of sustainability and takes some sustainable actions
  • Information valued regarding sustainable clothing
    • Durability - how long will this piece of clothing last?
    • Comfort - how does the clothing fit on a regular basis? Is there an inner lining or a method used to avoid itchiness or general discomfort in the clothing?
    • Materials used - are higher quality fabrics used? Will the materials fade after a number of washes or lead to holes forming?
    • Ethical labor practices - is there transparency in how workers are treated and paid when making clothing pieces?

Broke Betty

  • Has a general awareness of sustainability but cost affects their purchasing decision
    • Opt for more affordable pieces to wear
    • Quantity over quality
    • Will still explore thrift shops to find more unique and pieces that are low priced but also promote a circular economy
  • Aims to work towards making more conscious consumer purchasing decisions
  • If two of the same option (same price, same clothing piece, same comfort and quality), would purchase the more sustainable one
  • Information valued regarding sustainable clothing
    • Pricing - how affordable is this piece of clothing for my current budget? Is there a cheaper option available or certain sales on at the moment?
      • What might the cost to make vs price difference be? Would it be more valuable to opt for higher quality clothing based on the difference?
    • Materials used - Will the materials fade after a number of washes or lead to holes forming? Is the price justifiable for the kind of fabric used in this piece of clothing?
    • Ethical labor practices - is there transparency in how workers are treated and paid when making clothing pieces?

Unconcerned Ursula

  • Does not see sustainability as priority when purchasing clothing
  • Pricing is main priority when choosing a piece of clothing
    • Opt for affordable, trendier pieces to wear
    • Quantity over quality
  • Will opt for online shopping platforms (e.g. Shein and Temu) due to their affordable pricing for clothing
  • Generally influenced by social media influencers, idols and celebrities to buy a clothing piece
  • Hyper-aware of the social standards that come with how you dress, constant pressure to always be wearing the cutest and trendiest outfits - prevalent in college settings
  • Do not believe that their purchasing decisions have any impact on their individual self and therefore do not need to be prioritised
  • Information valued regarding sustainable clothing
    • Pricing - how affordable is this piece of clothing compared to how trendy it is? Could I buy this on Shein for cheaper?
    • Nil - would not seek this information when purchasing clothing
    • Area of opportunity: building more awareness and educating on ethical labor practices and materials used
      • If educated on the distinctly less durable nature of polyester and cheaper fabrics, would this influence a more conscious purchase?