
[Pawan] Interview #5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Relationship

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • The participant is a student studying at a university in Germany, but currently at Stanford for a summer session.
  • They visit the library three to four times a week during regular semesters and study outside occasionally for a more relaxed environment.
  • They take breaks during their study sessions, usually three breaks during a whole day of study.

Key Findings from the Interview

  • The participant views the library as a learning center rather than just a collection of books.
  • They find it essential to have an environment that allows them to concentrate while also providing opportunities for relaxation.
  • The participant suggests that sustainable behavior in the library can be promoted by creating different areas or corners with diverse seating arrangements and visual elements to make the environment more inviting and lively.
  • They believe that a welcoming and vibrant environment could encourage students to take breaks and study more sustainably without overexerting themselves, leading to a healthier balance between productivity and relaxation.

In this interview, the conversation revolves around designing a space in the library to promote sustainable behavior among students. The interviewer discusses with the participant the thoughts that come to mind when thinking about a library, and the participant describes it as a learning center where they can study in a focused environment.

The participant mentions visiting the library three to four times a week during regular semesters and also studying outside occasionally to have a more relaxed atmosphere. When in the library, the participant takes breaks, usually three during a whole day of study, with each break lasting around 45 minutes. The breaks involve walking outside or stepping out for a coffee to reset their mind and regain focus.

When asked about challenges faced in the library, the participant highlights times when they are mentally exhausted but still trying to study, leading to unproductive study sessions. They find it essential to have an environment that allows them to concentrate while also providing opportunities for relaxation.

Regarding promoting sustainable behavior, the participant suggests creating different areas or corners in the library with diverse seating arrangements and visual elements to make the environment more inviting. They draw a parallel to companies' efforts to create lively and comfortable workspaces to improve employees' well-being and productivity.

The participant emphasizes that a welcoming and lively environment could encourage students to take breaks and study more sustainably without overexerting themselves. Such an atmosphere would promote a healthy balance between productivity and relaxation.