Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Owan - Open consumer

  • 20 years old
  • Student who likes chewing gums for relaxing and relieving stress, and also for curing diseases (i.e. for diabetes)
  • Good cure and health of his teeth
  • Balance diet of sugar, carbs, and proteins
  • Moderate consumption of sugary foods
  • Moderate propension of spending money in chewing gums

Ethan - Customer enjoying

  • 20 years old
  • Student who is very open to chewing gums without sugar
  • Good cure of his teeth and good propension to buy products for relieving stress and having better concentration (i.e. for studying)
  • Balance diet of sugar,carbs, and proteins
  • Moderate consumption of sugary foods
  • High propension of spending money chewing gums

Charlotte - Closed consumer

  • 20 years old
  • Student who is not open to chew gums due to her perfect teeth’s health
  • Good cure of his teeth and and determined not to chose the product whenever is not useful
  • Balance diet of sugar, carbs, and proteins
  • Moderate consumption of sugary foods
  • Low propension of spending money in chewing gums

Darby - Doubting consumer

  • 22 years old
  • Student who is open to try the product but prefer to verify his ingredients and components before using it
  • Good cure of his teeth and determined not to chose the product whenever is not useful and interesting as he thinks it should be
  • Balance diet of sugar, carbs, and proteins
  • Moderate consumption of sugary foods
  • Moderate propension of spending money in chewing gums