Baseline Scenario:
The baseline scenario is:
- R38 Roof Construction
- 12/5 Operating Schedule
The energy usage intensity for this baseline scenario is 58.8 kBtu/ft2/yr
Scenario 1: Building Envelope
I recommend the following changes to the Baseline schedule:
- Wall Construction using R38 wood
- Glazing % (WWR)
- Southern Wall: 65% (Having 30% can decrease only by 0.04 kBtu/ft2/yr)
- Northern Wall: 30% (kept 30% as the minimum WWR)
- Western Wall: 65% (Having 30% can decrease only by 0.10 kBtu/ft2/yr)
- Eastern Wall: 95% (Significant increase when lower WWR)
- Thermal Properties of Glazing Surfaces
- Southern Wall: Dbl LoE (only 0.25 kBtu/ft2/yr difference compared to Trp LoE)
- Northern Wall: Dbl LoE (only 0.17 kBtu/ft2/yr difference compared to Trp LoE)
- Western Wall: Trp LoE (1.14 kBtu/ft2/yr difference compared to Dbl LoE)
- Eastern Wall: Trp LoE (4.10 kBtu/ft2/yr difference compared to Dbl LoE)
- Window Shading: For window shading I have kept the original value as modeled since as that is the best scenario (hence no graph shown)
The energy usage intensity for this Power and Lighting measures on top of baseline scenario is 53.2 kBtu/ft2/yr
Scenario 2: Power and Lighting Measures
I recommend the following changes to the Baseline schedule:
- Plug load Efficiency of 0.6 W/sf
- Lighting Efficiency of 0.3 W/sf
- Daylighting & Occupancy Controls
The energy usage intensity for this Power and Lighting measures on top of baseline scenario is 50.5 kBtu/ft2/yr
Scenario 3: Photovoltaic Panels
I recommend the following changes to the Baseline schedule:
- Panel Efficiency of 20.4%
- Payback limit of 30 yrs
- Surface Coverage of 90%
The energy usage intensity for this photovoltaic panel on top of baseline scenario is 18.9 kBtu/ft2/yr
Scenario 4: Scenario 1 + 2
Combining Power and Lighting recommendations to Building Envelop recommendations. The energy usage intensity for this scenario is 44.9 kBtu/ft2/yr
Scenario 5: Scenario 1 + 2 +3
Combining Power and Lighting recommendations, Building Envelop recommendations and Photovoltaic Panel recommendations. The energy usage intensity for this scenario is 5.03 kBtu/ft2/yr