Who Did You Interview?
- Girlfriend
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- Female
- 20 yr old
- Demographic 3
Key Findings from the Interview
- Reliant on previous experience, recommendations, or research if new category of item
- Happy to repair items, and will try if the price is right - around 1/6 of buying a new one
- For brands that she buys from consistently, sustainability is important, but less of a factor for one off purchases
Ordered online - tried in store - custom - replacement (unusable but not broken) - still uses old ones for practice - 3rd pair of the similar type
Brand choice - went with Oakleys due to past experience - reliable - good experience - generally will go with experience (recommendations, comfy, etc) but will do a lot of research if no experience or important (value, long life time, lots of use)
Did lots of research
Looked into repairs for headphones, too expensive compared to price of new one - would rather buy new due to 33% price differential - also not great comfort from old ones - $50 limit for repair - $10 cost to make
Maybe make headphones usable - fix myself - use for sweaty workout - figure out proper disposal for environmental consciousness
Clothes disposal - donation or to mutual connections for low income families - repurpose from old - use dye to change color
Sustainability - think about but for one off purchases don’t pay much attention to - consistently bought from brands should be good - does own research