Who Did You Interview?
- Friend’s girlfriend
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- 21 yr
- Female
- Demographic 3
Key Findings from the Interview
- Will impulsively buy clothes - mood will impact who it is for
- Enjoys shopping so she can have new things, not for the process so much
- Focus on quality rather than sustainability - if they align then great, but not too bothered
Shopping for boyfriend - recently - Viori - bought from there before - discount
Doesn’t matter how sustainable - more about quality - fast fashion generally bad quality
Recently buying more in person
Will try to fix clothing or donate or landfill if too broken
Suffer through broken computer etc - 6 years
Impulse buyer - from what mom says - no research - confusing - every company advertises as best
Talking to other people
Good or bad mood - impulse - clothes for nick or friends if in a good mood - for self if bad mood
Likes having new things, giving gifts, hanging up etc
Not really about shopping experience