
Interview 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Teammate

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 21 yr
  • Male
  • Demographic 3

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Mostly buys second hand - mostly clothes and tech
  • Doesn’t like owning too many items - but still buys cheap second hand too regularly - slight impulse - one click turned off to prevent this
  • When no longer needed/wanted, give to friends, family, donate. But repair first if possible

Prefers to spend smaller amounts of money on second hand things - recently turned off one click and saved cards online stores

Last bought clothes for myself off ebay - found dickies + sweater + tshirt for ~$20

Focused on sustainability, and will use clothes until they are unusable

Will regularly give away clothes to friends, sisters, dad, donate in order to keep a small closet - not a fan of having too much stuff

Would like to be less focused on buying things

Has repaired broken clothing, but also somewhat impulse bought new phone when it was broken - didn’t even look into repairing

Fan of sharing things - eg iPad with sister for a couple of years

Takes care of items, but would like to learn more about how to repair stuff

Brands chosen based on experience, small influence from what is trending - not new trending, but thrifty trending - eg what lasts a long time, but still looks cool

For more expensive items, will keep for a long time, past valuable life, but until unusable - had same running shoes for around 6 years - made of recycled materials, but also looked after