What types of building information are best portrayed in 3D views?
3D views best illustrate the general size culmination of components and how they interact with surroundings such as plants, terrain, and sunlight. This brings in all the 2D views in a way that we are used to. 3D views can give the viewer a more realistic sense of how specific furniture items work in relation with wall and window height. Lighting is a major aspect of a home’s feel and this is portrayed better through 3D views because it can project shadows in a more understandable way.
- Which stakeholders require 2D views, and why?
The clients require 2D views because it gives them a good sense of the area of the home and how furniture will interact with the space. It gives them a more clear image of how space is being allocated so they can make adjustments based on their own personal preferences.
Constructors require 2D views so they can more clearly understand what they are building. Having specific dimensions, material tags, and more can help constructors understand the designers vision with minimal confusion. This will ensure a quality built home.
Give examples of how the building information for a specific location in the project needs to be filtered for different audiences and purposes?
Filtering the building information for different audiences is essential to ensure each group is satisfied and aware of the information that is most relevant to them. The client is more interested in general aesthetics and layout of the home. If the designer includes too much information in their views like intense dimensions or labels, they could get overwhelmed and be distracted from what they care about. Furniture is good to include in their views because it is a key aspect on how they interact with the space. On the other hand, constructors don’t care about furniture. They are building the general frame of the home and can be more efficient if furniture and other components that aren’t necessary are omitted from their views.
How can schedule views be used to assist with procurement and model-based estimating?
Schedule views can be a great asset for procurement and model-based estimating because they give a clear quantitative tabulation of the components in a build. Designers and constructors can quickly identify the quantity and type of components that will go into the building. Further, estimations for cost based on material area and quantity can be calculated in real time. A major value is also that the schedules automatically update as the building is changed in other views. This can help eliminate errors and ensure accuracy between version changes.