Module 9 - Points to Ponder

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Module 9 - Points to Ponder

Can you guarantee that the completed building will match the performance predicted by the analysis in its day-to-day operations?

  • No, because there is always room for human error and things taking longer to actually construct in comparison to the estimated, ideal time. There could also be complications, injuries, etc. that hinder the timeline and/or use more materials than estimated if something goes wrong. For day to day operations, there is always fluctuation in use, since every day is not the same. There might be new installations, special meetings, super hot days, super cold days, etc. There is no guarantee, it is just an estimate and a predictor.

How can you use Insight feedback to make design choices regarding materials, lighting, PV, etc.?

  • The Insight feedback and can help you choose what sorts of materials best suit your environment and the buildings’ needs, whether that is insulation in cold climates or heat protection in warmer ones. Also, the amount of natural light that a building gets affects how the internal lighting has to be laid out. For the air conditioning, it’s the along the same lines, since the position of the sun, climate, building materials, etc. all affect how much heat the building retains on its own which in turn determines how much has to be generated through air conditioning or heating.

4D simulations are often used to show the construction sequence for an entire project, but shorter simulations that focus on a specific period of time are also useful.

  • It could be useful to have a shorter simulation for many situations. For one, if there are a lot of column foundations to be laid out, it would be helpful to have a plan on which to do in what order, and you can separate them in a smaller simulation that just specifies on that one component. Then, you could do the same thing with the columns and beams, then each floor could also be a simulation, or just the structure. Many options, but chunking it out makes the construction more guided and smooth.