CEE 120A/220A 
Building Modeling for Design & Construction | Summer 2021

CEE 120A/220A Building Modeling for Design & Construction | Summer 2021

Class Members

Add your assignment submissions to the subpages below.

Modeling Building Elements | Basic Models Single-Story Buildings

✏️Module 2 Design Project: Field Research Station🤔Module 2: Points to Ponder

Modeling Building Elements Advanced Models / Multi-Story Buildings

✏️Module 3 Design Project: Vacation House🤔Module 3: Points to Ponder

Sharing Building Models

✏️Module 4 Design Project: Lights, Camera, Render!🤔Module 4: Points to Ponder

Modeling Time Phases and Design Alternatives

✏️Module 5 Design Project: Time Travel & Parallel Universes🤔Module 5: Points to Ponder

Conceptual Modeling

✏️Module 6 Design Project: Workspace of the Future🤔Module 6: Points to Ponder

Structural Modeling & Model Coordination

✏️Module 7 Design Project: Structural Modeling & Coordination🤔Module 7: Points to Ponder

Collaborative Modeling

✏️Module 8 Design Project: Collaborative Modeling

Performance-Based Design

✏️Module 9 Design Project: Performance-Based Design🤔Module 9: Points to Ponder
All Submissions - For the Teaching Team's Use