Gabriel PtP9

Gabriel Lipkowitz
Submitted For
Module 9 - Points to Ponder
  • 4D simulations are often used to show the construction sequence for an entire project, but shorter simulations that focus on a specific period of time are also useful. Can you provide examples of how a simulation that focuses on a 1 or 2 week period could be useful for planning?

Let's say that we are living in a region where the weather changes dramatically, and it is important to perform many of the construction tasks in a short period of time when the opportunity arises. In this case, having a detailed short term simulation to guide construction would be exceedingly useful in advance.

  • What level of detail should be included in a 4D simulation? Should you include all of the elements in the building model?

Only those elements whose placement and construction would benefit from the simulation; others, e.g. furniture elements that are of more interest to the client subjectively, would simply be a distraction. We want as simple a model as possible!

  • How can the feedback shown in a 4D simulation help you to optimize the project schedule? What are the main benefits of linking model elements to the project schedule?
  • 4D simulations provide more than just a compelling visualisation of how the construction process should go; they can also make discrepancies between various elements of the construction process more identifiable and thus reconcilable. For instance, it a building has multiple subsections with shared walls, it might be most efficient, when viewing the simulation, to direct the construction of that wall early on in the process.