Module 9: Points to Ponder

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Module 9 - Points to Ponder

When choosing settings for each of the building performance factors, should you always choose the setting that gives the absolute lowest predicted energy use?

When choosing settings for each of the building performance factors, it is important to make realistic choices rather than choose the setting that gives the absolute lowest predicted energy use. It is not realistic to assume that an office building could run fully on natural light and PV-provided energy; however, these results from Insight do inform design choices (see next).

How can you use Insight feedback to make design choices regarding materials, lighting, PV, etc.?

Insight feedback is extremely useful for design choices, especially when it comes to lighting. So often, natural lighting from curtain windows can be extremely cost effective and a great solution instead of spending significant money on artificial lighting. Similarly, insulation materials and wall choices can drastically reduce HVAC prices.

How can model-based quantity takeoff improve the design process?

Model-based quantity takeoff can very easily improve the design process by giving the designer a better idea of whether their design is financially feasible or not. Rather than design an entire building only to learn that it is not in the budget of the client, a preliminary estimate of the cost of the materials will ensure that the designer and client are on the same page.