Points to Ponder Mod3

Submitted For
Module 3 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Why is it important to accurately model the land features of your project site with a toposurface?

  • What aspects of a building design are most affected by the terrain features?

It is important so that you can build your model in agreeance with the physical specifications of the site. You want ground to actually be ground.

When designing a project...

  • Should the building adapt to the terrain?
  • Or, should you adapt the terrain to the building?

I think it should be a combination of both. Environmentally-focused design would attempt to minimally disturb the site such that equipment and heavy alteration are avoided. However, in the beauty of design some site alterations will be required, or desired.

What considerations affect a project team's decision-making when deciding the floor-to-floor height to use in a multi-story building?

  • From a real estate developer's perspective?
  • Cost per floor
  • From a designer's perspective?
  • feeling or mood created by height, compression and release
  • From an engineer's perspective?
  • structual soundness, i.e. walls too high or too low may be prone to damage, earthquakes
  • From a builder's perspective?
  • practicality, some floor to floor heights may be unrealistic
  • From an owner's perspective?
  • personal preference i.e. claustrophobia, tall or short, etc

What are the advantages of stacking the levels of a multi-story building vertically?

  • Can you share an interesting example of a building that doesn’t vertically stack (where the floor plates change their shaped radically between the floor levels)?
  • What were the advantages or reasons for non-vertical stacking?

Why do stairs follow specific proportions with a set relationship between the tread length and riser height?

  • How can building modeling help prevent the mistakes that often occur when designing and installing stairs?
  • so that there is a natural feel to each step and accidents are avoided

Describe a case when it would be worthwhile to create a new custom component in Revit… How do you decide when customize versus using readily available components?

An odd-shaped building , possible many curves or angles, would require custom components.