CEE 120A/220A students,
Welcome to CEE 120A/220A! I hope you’re staying well and excited to get started with this quarter!
All Class Materials Are Available Online
This quarter, we’ll be offering this class in an online format that will enable you to work through the class materials at your own pace at the times that are most convenient for your busy schedules! So, there’s no regularly scheduled class time or meeting room -- all the materials all available online through Canvas.
Weekly Module Kickoff / Check-In Sessions
We will be hosting a weekly live check-in session online to kick off each new class module and demonstrate the essential workflows that you'll need for that module's project. Please share your availability in this When2Meet poll, so we can choose a time that's convenient for most:
Each of these sessions will also be recorded and posted online, so it's OK if you can't attend these sessions live. But you should plan on watching the recordings at your convenience for helpful tips and answers to common questions as we work thru the class modules.
Join our Slack Workspace
We’ll be using Slack as our collaboration platform for asking and answering questions and sharing announcements. So please click the Slack button in Canvas' left navigation bar to join our shared workspace named Su22-CEE120A-01/220A-01.
Or go to this link:
Sign Up for an Autodesk ID and Share Your Contact Info
Please sign up for a student Autodesk ID (if you don't already have one) by following the instructions in Module 1.1.C.2 - Software to Install.
Then, share your contact info in the Google Sheet in Module 1.1.C.3 - Class Contact Info, so we can add you to all the software services that we'll be using in the course.
Looking forward to getting started and meeting with you soon!