
Submitted For
Module 9 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Can you guarantee that the completed building will match the performance predicted by the analysis in its day-to-day operations?

  • Why or why not?

It cannot be guaranteed that the completed building will precisely match the performance predicted by the analysis in its day-to-day operations. The reason is that the performance prediction might be based on yearly or monthly averages, and the actual values of some days may deviate from the average, either positively or negatively. Additionally, several factors, such as changes in occupancy, weather conditions, and maintenance practices, may cause the building's performance to vary from what was anticipated.

Furthermore, the accuracy of the analysis relies heavily on the quality of the inputs, assumptions, and modeling techniques employed during the analysis. Any errors or omissions in the analysis may result in inaccurate predictions, which may not align with the actual building performance.

When choosing settings for each of the building performance factors, should you always choose the setting that gives the absolute lowest predicted energy use?

No, it is not always advisable to choose the settings that give the absolute lowest predicted energy use. While achieving the lowest predicted energy use is a desirable outcome, it is important to consider other factors as well, such as the building's functional requirements, occupant comfort, and the cost-effectiveness of implementing the recommended changes. Additionally, the lowest predicted energy use may not always result in the optimal building design, as some design options may require a higher initial investment but provide long-term energy savings and better overall performance.

Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate and balance all the relevant factors to arrive at an optimal design solution that meets the building's specific needs and objectives. This may involve testing different settings and analyzing the results to determine the most suitable design option.

How can model-based quantity takeoff improve the design process?

How can designers improve their designs using the information provided by preliminary estimates of the cost of building their design ideas?

Model-based quantity takeoff (QTO) provides designers with accurate data on the quantity and cost of building materials required for their designs. This information can help designers optimize their designs for cost-effectiveness and avoid costly errors or delays. QTO tools facilitate collaboration and communication among project stakeholders, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or conflicts. Designers can use the information provided by preliminary cost estimates to refine and improve their designs, identifying areas for cost savings or additional investment. Additionally, incorporating cost estimates into the design process can ensure that the final product is not only aesthetically pleasing and functional but also financially feasible, reducing the risk of cost overruns or delays.