Building Envelope


My Building envelope consists of the following:

  • Windows placed on the south side and with mass timber mullions
    • The glazing for the windows was: “Double glazing - 1/4 in thick - bluegreen/low-E (e = 0.05) glass”
  • Green Roofs
  • Rammed Earth Walls
  • A central atrium with a skylight (I was unable to properly model a shaft cut through the roof - an error would occur)
    • Skylight glazing: “Double glazing - 1/4 in thick - bluegreen/low-E (e = 0.05) glass”

Rammed Earth Walls

  • For the composition, I assumed the following:
  • This then dictated the 22” wall thermal conductivity

Green Roofs

  • For the composition, I assumed the following:
  • image
  • This then dictated the 22” wall thermal conductivity
  • The green roofs also create 3’ overhangs

Floor System:

  • For the ground floor: “Floor Concrete 8” Precast”
  • For the second floor: “Floor Concrete 3” Precast”

Insight Energy Analysis results:

  • I don't believe these results are 100% reflective of the building model as I wasn’t able to properly model the atrium space
  • Making the following building envelope changes, produced a different Energy benchmark:
    • Window Shades South and West: 2/3 Window Height
    • Window Glass South and West: TopLoe
    • image
  • Adjusting for a 12/5 Schedule produced the following:
  • image
  • Finally changing the building’s orientation by 180 degrees would produced the following, however, I am unsure if this would work with the building’s site
  • image

* A lighting analysis was not performed yet as the atrium is not properly modeled and will not create accurate results - an update will be provided after next week’s check-in

Nico and I met: I had issues modeling the shaft with stemmed from modeling the third floor as a roof and not a structural floor. I was able to fix the model and redo the energy (which stayed the same) and lighting analysis:

For a date of Sept. 21 at 9 am:


The top floor:


The bottom floor:
