I modeled the plumbing system for three floors of the exhibition space, and only considered the main bathrooms that are located in the corner of the structure. Each women’s restroom has three toilets and two sinks, while each men’s restroom has two toilets, one urinal, and two sinks. The hot and cold water supply systems are only run to the sinks. The toilets and urinals are supplied by the greywater supply system, which reuses wastewater from the greywater collection system connected to the sinks. The main trunks of the fire sprinkler system were also placed for the first level.
The plumbing pipes were run through the mechanical room, which was located in between the restrooms on each floor.
The plumbing system repeats on each floor. Most of the issues were due to the auto connect function not working too well in some cases, but these were able to be solved with manual drawing of the piping systems.
Sprinklers were placed to capture most of the space within the building - there were issues connecting the sprinklers into the main line (generate system function wasn’t working very well/had some trouble with the height that the sprinklers were placed at).
The plumbing system ends up clashing with the HVAC system that also runs through the mechanical rooms - plumbing pipes need to be placed carefully to make sure there is no overlap between the systems.