Google Earth
Climate Consultant
- Set Project Location
- Set Project Orientation ???
- Conceptual Masses
- Create Form
- Mass Floors
- Array Floor Levels
- Create Mass Floors
- Generic Building Elements
Sun Studies
- Turn on Shadows
- Still - Single Date & Time
- Range > Sun Study
- Preview
Solar Analysis
- Select
- All Mass Faces
- Specific Surfaces
- Visualize
- PV Potential
- Solar Payback
- Create Energy Model
- Can create view to see Analytical Surfaces
- Generate
- Sends to analysis
- GBS - 247 cases
- Optimize
- Insight web interface
- Visualize
- PV View
- Location > Weather Station Data
- Adjust Factor Tiles
- Operating Schedule
- Plug Load Efficiency
- Lighting Efficiency
- Orientation
- PV
- Efficiency
- Surface Area
- Payback Period