Plumbing Systems - Kim

Model Coordination

This is a screenshot of an interior view of merged architectural and plumbing models from the Model Coordination showing plumbing elements. The partitions are hidden in the view to properly see the plumbing elements:


Work Flow

In developing the plumbing model for the given architectural and plumbing models provided, I made use of copying elements to other levels since the bathrooms on Level 0 and Level 1 were identical. There was a men and women’s bathroom for both of the levels. I was also able to use the mirroring tool to mirror the horizontal sanitary, cold water, and hot water pipes. This image shows all bathrooms in a 3D view within the plumbing model:


From there, I was able to coordinate the architectural and plumbing models using the Model Coordination tools. This a view from the exterior with the exterior wall and partitions and inner walls hidden to show the plumbing features:



At first, I did not realize that the plumbing fixtures are mirrored in that the doors to enter the bathrooms are on opposite sides of the wall. This also meant that the ADA stalls were not mirrored across the line. I had to swap the position of the pipes so that the hot water would travel a shorter distance. Theoretically, I could have also extended the hot water line out by having the pipe exactly mirrored across the view, but I chose to swap the location of the pipes to the other end of the bathroom space. This image shows how I changed the location of the sanitary, cold water, and hot water pipes to be on opposite ends:
