Design Journal Entry - Module 12 Wrap Up - Michelle Filanc

Journal Entry For
Module 12 - Sharing Your Project


Overall I really enjoyed this class. I learned a lot through Revit. When I first came in, I had a really basic understanding of Revit and I developed many useful skills that I know I will carry throughout my career.


Key / Essential / Unique Design Features that you explored in your project:

  • Sloped Roof - This was one design element that I wanted to incorporate in from the start. I knew with my limited knowledge I wasn’t going to be able to do anything super fancy as far as design goes, so this was my way of adding a fun design element to my building.
  • Curtain Wall Band/Portions - This was another design element I wanted to incorporate into my building. This ties into the sloping roof but also breaks out the exterior envelope and ties into the EIFS which I find is unique and helps and a design flair to the building.
  • Green Roof - I added a small square green roof on the second level which I thought was a unique design feature which could tie into sustainability.

Your Big Successes -- what worked very well and what features you're most proud to share as examples to inspire others.

  • Floor Plan - I feel that I was able to create a floorplan that flows and is easy to navigate for both the first and second floors. I was able to achieve all of the room requirements as well and put together something that would be seen in an actual building.
  • Insight/Sustainability Goals - I am really proud that I was able to achieve an extremely sustainable building based on my energy model. My energy model currently shows 26.1 kBTU/ft^2/yr with my base BIM model and the integrated HVAC system, and then my proposed operating schedule, lighting efficiency, lighting controls, plug load efficiency, and PV options.
  • Aesthetics - I feel like the building I made looks really cool. It’s not as big and flashy as some of the other buildings but I am proud to look at it, and it looks like something I would like to visit in person.

Your Big Challenges -- what aspects of the project created the biggest challenges and what would you do differently (in hindsight) to avoid or overcome these challenges.

  • HVAC System - This was the hardest module for me. I couldn’t get the report to calculate the loads initially, and then setting up the rooms, zoning, and the schedule for airflow/CFM etc. properly was extremely difficult. That took a while and then placing the actual terminals and system itself was another beast in itself. At first I couldn’t get the ducting to connect to the registers, and then when I tried to use flex ducting it looked like spaghetti. I ended up having to redo the whole thing using rigid ductwork. All in all, this was one of the most difficult modules. For next time I would make sure my report calculated, set up my schedule neater, and start laying out my air handling units and air terminals and using rigid ductwork first so that I didn’t need to rework.
  • Structural Layout - This was another challenge. I copied over the gridlines from my architectural module which were not equally/evenly spaced. I then laid out my columns based on this which made my layout wonky. A few levels in my building on the second level had different ceiling heights so it made it difficult to copy from the first floor to the second floor, which made more work for myself. I think next time I would make the heights the same on all levels to make things easier on myself.
  • Overall Goals - I definitely had VERY large goals in the beginning and now as we are here at the end, I can see that I didn’t achieve all of the goals that I set out for myself. I think if I were to do this all again, I would need to set more achievable expectations as this is really my second class delving into Revit and I need to give myself a chance to learn the program better.

Lessons Learned -- what sage words of advice would you share with other students who are embarking on a similar project.

  • Set achievable goals for yourself in the beginning.
  • Use other students design journals for inspiration and to guide you, but also don’t let them intimidate you or make you feel inferior about your own skills, everyone is here to learn and have fun while doing so.
  • Pace yourself and don’t procrastinate.

Video Presentation / Tour of Your Project Features

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