Design Journal Entry - Module 12 Wrap Up - Zuping Meng

Journal Entry For
Module 12 - Sharing Your Project


Replace this text with your reflections on your design journey through class from a higher level and share your insights about the entire experience. What were:

  • Key / Essential / Unique Design Features that you explored in your project.
  • Your Big Successes -- what worked very well and what features you're most proud to share as examples to inspire others.
  • Your Big Challenges -- what aspects of the project created the biggest challenges and what would you do differently (in hindsight) to avoid or overcome these challenges.
  • Lessons Learned -- what sage words of advice would you share with other students who are embarking on a similar project.

Here is my final report:

CEE220B Final Report_Zuping Meng.pdf7422.1KB

Final Version of My Model

Video Presentation / Tour of Your Project Features

Replace this text with a link to your Video Presentation / Tour.

  • If you've saved your Video on Zoom, copy the link , then type "/web" and embed the link to it here.
  • If you've saved your Video on YouTube, copy the link, then type "/vid" and embed the link to it here.
Final Presentation.pptx10174.1KB

My Presentation:

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Design Journal Entries | Winter 2023