Design Journal Entry - Module 5

Journal Entry For
Module 5/6 - Building Layout & Circulation Systems

The following is the link to my space budget spreadsheet. My space budget spreadsheet contains some detailed descriptions of my thought process regarding the general building layout, but I will highlight a few points below.

First, I started with some sketches for the three levels, which are shown below. Despite some minor changes, the model in Revit came out similar to the sketches.

Level 1:


Level 2:


Level 3:


The current Revit model is around 36477 ft^2 without counting the roof and outdoor areas. Below is the current space schedule of my Revit model:


Some highlights of my space design considerations:

  • For my exhibition, I wanted to maximize the experience of the visitor. For this reason, all of the amenities such as the major exhibits, gift shops, cafes, etc are located on the first floor while all the administrative/office/conference room locations are located on the second floor.
  • The building core is placed in the middle so it would be easily accessible from anywhere in the building. It also does not need natural light, so putting the core in the middle allows other spaces to use daylight more effectively. The four exhibits are the largest spaces, and therefore, the only places they really fit were on the left side of the building.
  • All spaces with intended occupancy greater or equal to 50 people have at least 2 entrances/exits.
  • The elevator and the staircase on the north side of the building span all 3 floors and provide direct access to different sections of the building. Two staircases in the middle of the building connect the 1st, and 2nd levels and the roof. In total, I installed three stairs and one elevator in my building. The elevator makes it easier for people with disabilities to navigate floors. Moreover, I try to design staircases more appealing for example by using spire stairs to encourage an active, healthy lifestyle for visitors.
  • There are four exits: two on the north side of the building and the other two on the south side of the building to ensure the safety of the occupants in the event of an emergency such as a fire, earthquake, or any other dangerous situation.
  • On each floor, I include restrooms to enhance the visitor experience.
  • The cafe and kid zone are on the north side of the building to have a view of the Stanford campus. They also have some outdoor seating in the yard. Because the cafe and kids zone will be the noisiest areas, I put them next to each to allow the other spaces to be quieter.
  • I tried to have the corridors be as efficiently laid out as possible to avoid any wasted space. I also spaced the three stairways to be apart so that they would serve different parts of the building.
  • Two conference rooms have low low length vs. width ratio to enhance collaboration and communication.

Level 1:


Level 2:


Level 3:


All distances to exist are within the standard. Egress paths for each floor are shown in the figures below. They are all much less than 250 feet with sprinkled system buildings.

Level 1 Egress Paths:


Level 2 Egress Paths:


Level 3 Egress Paths


Here is a link to my personal folder (containing your Revit model files) within our shared Autodesk Construction Cloud Project :