HVAC System Recommendations

Your Name
ACC Link
Mar 6, 2023 8:17 PM
Created by
Marcus Floyd

Create a posting that includes:

  • A screenshot of an interior view of your merged model from Model Coordination showing the HVAC elements.
  • A brief paragraph discussing:
    • any challenges that you encountered in this supply duct routing exercise
    • whether your proposed design meets the project’s spatial design goals
    • any recommendations to make the design more sustainable (and lower the heating and cooling loads)
    • image


      I believe my system does a good job of meeting the heating and cooling requirements for the given spaces. I used the automatic feature to connect diffusers to ducts and then connected them again with flex ducts at the end. I believe I am reaching the spacial goals as well as there are no drastic clashes and there are sufficient height differences between my structural model and HVAC system. I had challenges deciding on the configuration of the diffusers as I arranged them in a grid pattern originally similar to how I approached the structural system. This proved to be incorrect because I needed to allow space between the ducts. Another challenge occurred when having all my spaces show in my analytical model and allowing all my plans to show up due to configuration errors. To make this project more sustainable I would want to re-configure my layout of the HVAC system to reduce the amount of materials needed while also reaching the goals in mind.