Practice Exercise 7.5

I used this model to analyze energy efficiency of the building



First result is the below (75.6 kBtu/ ft2/ yr)



Second result after setting Operating Schedule (12/5) and Roof Construction (R38)

I got 54.1 (kBtu/ ft2/ yr).

  1. I arranged Building Envelope parameters as below and got the result, 49.0 (kBtu/ ft2/ yr).

The factors which I put the star mark (★) have meaningful impact on the results, and the others have no or only slight impact on that.


b.i ★Wall Construction: R38 Wood

b.ii WWR

- Southern Walls: 0%

- Northern Walls: 50%

Western Walls: 15%

Eastern Walls: 30- 15%

b.iii Window Glass

- South: Dbl LoE

- North: Dbl LoE

- West: Dbl LoE

- East: Dbl LoE

b.iv Window Shades

- South: 1/6 window height

- North: 1/6 window height

West: 1/3 window height

East: 1/3 window height

  1. I also coordinated Power and Lighting Measures and got the result, 44.6 (kBtu/ ft2/ yr).

Compared to Building Envelope parameters, it can achieve almost same reduction in the Predicted Mean EUI, -4.4 (kBtu/ ft2/ yr). The factors which I put the star mark (★) have meaningful impact on the results.


a.i ★Plug Load Efficiency: 1.3W/sf

a.ii ★Lighting Efficiency: 0.7W/sf

a.ii -Daylighting & Occupancy Controls: Daylighting Controls

  1. PV panels can be said that crucial to improve energy efficiency of the building. Through the experiments, I found the best combination of these factors and got the result as shown in below. I put the star mark (★) for all the factors because they have significant impacts on the results. Therefore, how to utilize PV panels can be the key strategy for achieving the desired goal.

a.i ★PV - Surface Coverage: 90%

a.ii ★PV - Payback Limit: 20year

a.iii ★PV - Panel Efficiency: 20.4%