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My initial input model has 74.4 kBtu/ft2/yr (not 81.3), and I assume there is something missing when I update the model from 2019 to 2023. However, I will refer to other students' baseline values to reduce equivalent energy consumption.

  1. Analyze the Initial Building Model

When I adjust the initial model with roof construction R38 and operating schedule 12/5, I got EUI 51 which is lower than other student 60 kBtu/ft2/yr. I will reduce further 9 kBtu/ft2/yr in my future model to match the requirement.


  1. Use Insight to Explore the Impact of Building Envelope-Related Design Decisions

The requirement is to reduce from 60 kBtu/ft2/yr to 54 kBtu/ft2/yr. Hence, I need to reduce my EUI to by 6 kBtu/ft2/yr, which is 45 kBtu/ft2/yr.

I checked each factor slope, and I found that WWR, glass, and shade on the west side contribute to the large impact of energy usage. The second impact orientation is south side. Hence, I reduce the west WWR to 65% since its impact is significantly. For Wall surface, the impact for energy usage is relatively smaller, and I adjusted to BIM wall between R13 metal and R13 wood. Even though the window glazing property is also not factor that can influence much energy usage, I still adjust it to Trp Loe for west side. Lastly, the shading for all side of building cannot impact so much, and I adjust the west shade to ½ window height.

Overall, I reduced my enenrgy consumption from 51 kBtu/ft2/yr to 45 kBtu/ft2/yr (to meet the requirement for reducing 6 kBtu/ft2/yr). If we still need to reduce the EUI, I can continue to reduce the west WWR and adjust shading and WWR for other sides. However, using a small window wall ratio can also reduce daylighting and natural light input to reduce resident experience.


3.Use Insight to Explore the Potential Impact of Power and Lighting Measures (versus Building Envelope Measures)

For the lighting control factors, I used following data:


The lowest reasonable EUI I can get is 37.7 kBtu/ft2/yr (reduced from 51 kBtu/ft2/yr). For lighting efficiency, I reduce it to BIM between 1.1 and 0.7 W/sf which is a reasonable measure. For warehouse or exhibit, we may need to adjust to 1.1 W/sf, but for this one I think the measure between 1.1 and 0.7 w/sf is enough. I calibrate the daylighting to occupany control since this building look like relatively smaller than musuem or some complicated complex, and residents don’t need to change daylighting frequenctly. More importantly, the daylgihting seemed very constant from window enenrgy data. As long as we control west side of window and wall, the daylgihting measure can be adjusted at mid range. The plug load contributes a large amount of energy consumption, which is why I adjusted to lowest 0.6 w/sf. By doing this way, we can save a lot of energy.


  1. Use Insight to Explore the Benefits of Adding Photovoltaic Panels to Your Design


After I add PV system, I adjusted all factors to lowest threshold to achieve the optimum results. I got 8.88 kBtu/ft2/yr which also met the architecture 2030 goal. The panel efficiency is 20.4%, payback limit is 30 years (which is quite long, since most of panels are 20 years limit life), and 90 % of coverage on roof. In the reality, we rare see the roof with 90% of PV system because parts of it are HVAC and other equipment. Hence, this measures based on very optimum factors to achieve 8.88 kBtu/ft2/yr.


Finally, we can see adding PV system can benefit the building efficiency a lot. Controlling daylight and building envelope are relatively same contribution.