Biochemical Facility - Space Allocation Overview


The purpose of the design is to define the space distribution for a biochemical production facility. The distribution concept follows three priorities: 1) process safety and quality, 2) speed and 3) pleasant work environment. To achieve those priorities the following features are implemented:

1) safety - all functional spaces are sized acc. to industrial standards for biochemical facilities. Industrial washrooms, and industrial elevators are positioned on both ends of each level of the facility. All areas are equiped with respective sound, air and lightening measures. Easy to clean surfaces are provided in all labs. all areas have the respective fire and gas warning and protection systems.

2) speed - the facility is designed following the production flow across levels - (top to bottom) and within levels (left to right). The labs and production areas are equiped with automated doors. The levels are equally spaced and follow same logic to allow seamsless visual orientation during the work process across levels.

3) pleasant work environment - the building has curtain walls on all faces which allows for production areas, labs and office to have direct light and outside view. the areas are also sound insulated for the required levels.
