Building Envelope Systems Exercise


PHASE 1: Building Envelope

Optimal EUI: 53.0


Recommended Settings:

  • Building Orientation: 135 degrees

South (side)

  • WWR Southern Walls: 95%
  • Window Shades South: 1/4 Win Height
  • Window Glass South: Trp LoE


  • WWR Northern Walls: 0%
  • Window Shades North : Full range
  • Window Glass North: Full range


  • WWR Western Walls: 30%
  • Window Shades West: BIM
  • Window Glass West: Trp LoE


  • WWR Eastern Walls: 95%
  • Window Shades East: BIM
  • Window Glass East: Trp LoE

PHASE 2: Envelope + Power & Lighting

Optimal EUI: 47.1

With just three internal building features changed we already reduce the EUI by 5.9 kBtu/ft2/yr. This is a great reduction in the long run for operational energy savings.


Recommended Settings:

  • Lighting Efficiency: 0.3 W/sf
  • Daylight & Occupancy Controls: Daylight & Occupancy Controls (setting)
  • Plug Load Efficiency: 0.6 W/sf

PHASE 3: Envelope + Lighting + Photovoltaics

Optimal EUI: 4.88

Considering the addition of photovoltaics the EUI is reduced immensely. With optimal conditions for rooftop solar, EUI is reduced by as much as 39.82 kBtu/ft2/yr. Granted, this assumes a 90% rooftop area available for solar, the most efficient panels, and the best purchase plan —perhaps a bit unrealistic.


Recommended Settings:

  • Panel Efficiency: 20.4%
  • Payback Limit: 20 yrs
  • Surface Coverage: 90%